Very pleasurable indeed. The 14' P-F's another excellent value number from Lafon's Macconais line-up. Quite firmly reduced, yet the underlying fruit still seems ripe. Floral tones. Rich with a decent dollop of oak, but all framed in mouth-watering acidity. Certainly a mineral drop. Atm, I've got a slight preference for the 16' Clos du Four due to its sheer potential and seemingly greater comcentration.
Very pleasurable indeed. The 14' P-F's another excellent value number from Lafon's Macconais line-up. Quite firmly reduced, yet the underlying fruit still seems ripe. Floral tones. Rich with a decent dollop of oak, but all framed in mouth-watering acidity. Certainly a mineral drop. Atm, I've got a slight preference for the 16' Clos du Four due to its sheer potential and seemingly greater comcentration.
Nov 5th, 2018