Was a little smoky at first- I'd suggest opening it a few hours in advance. The second glass was less harsh and more fruity. Not very heavy on the sweetness or earthiness.
Was a little smoky at first- I'd suggest opening it a few hours in advance. The second glass was less harsh and more fruity. Not very heavy on the sweetness or earthiness.
Jan 22nd, 2015
Oh Wilfred Wong, where did it all go wrong. Our favorite Bevmo wine critic gave this jalopy a whopping 96 points! This Argentinian Malbec is one overblown, overdone mess. In an attempt to produce a big wine, the winemaker basically threw everything at this wine but the kitchen sink. It's overly astringent, tannic beyond compare, and maybe the most inky wine I've ever tasted. Drinking this wine is a chore. It's like an enormous slab of meat, complete with gristle and fat, that you labor on tediously until you get the meat sweats. It is in this spirit that I will affectionately refer to this wine as "The Ole 96er."
Oh Wilfred Wong, where did it all go wrong. Our favorite Bevmo wine critic gave this jalopy a whopping 96 points! This Argentinian Malbec is one overblown, overdone mess. In an attempt to produce a big wine, the winemaker basically threw everything at this wine but the kitchen sink. It's overly astringent, tannic beyond compare, and maybe the most inky wine I've ever tasted. Drinking this wine is a chore. It's like an enormous slab of meat, complete with gristle and fat, that you labor on tediously until you get the meat sweats. It is in this spirit that I will affectionately refer to this wine as "The Ole 96er."
Oct 17th, 2013