Kona Brewing Co.
Big Wave Golden Ale

What a flavorful and tasty beer. Gold color with fine bubbles, orange citrus, round and balance. With some spice such as nutmeg and all spice and cardamon. Delicious!
What a flavorful and tasty beer. Gold color with fine bubbles, orange citrus, round and balance. With some spice such as nutmeg and all spice and cardamon. Delicious!
Oct 13th, 2017Amazing that an island with such a high crime rate (based on my watching Hawaii 5-0) and violent police force (again based on what I’ve seen in Hawaii 5-0) can produce such a good beer.
Amazing that an island with such a high crime rate (based on my watching Hawaii 5-0) and violent police force (again based on what I’ve seen in Hawaii 5-0) can produce such a good beer.
Dec 22nd, 2017
On est dans le style American Pale Ale, bonne bière à consommer sans modération car très légère, elle titre à 4.4.
On est dans le style American Pale Ale, bonne bière à consommer sans modération car très légère, elle titre à 4.4.
Sep 6th, 2017
Light. Golden. Inviting. Smooth. My Hawaii "go to" beach beer! Nothing quite refreshing or thirst-quenching as this. Goes down like water. Aloha!!!
Light. Golden. Inviting. Smooth. My Hawaii "go to" beach beer! Nothing quite refreshing or thirst-quenching as this. Goes down like water. Aloha!!!
Jul 16th, 2017