nobody here
Trocken but not meanly so; perfect counterpoint to fat sweet scallops.
Perry Croft
Racy, nervy, sleek beauty.
Sarah MacDonnell
Such a good Riesling
Erik Sjolund
Fine riez. Very stringent and pretty tight. Mineral n lots onacid. Some yellow apples. Tasty but my pallate may require more fruit.
Keith Mattrick
Firm, gripping, tart, stands up awesomely to spicy chilies, grippingly tart
lessrof had this 10 years ago
Alley Kropman
Alley had this 3 years ago
Nisse had this 7 years ago
Matthias Friese
Matthias had this 8 years ago
Kristian Løkken
Kristian had this 8 years ago