This is a blend of syrah, cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc.
The wine is red but completely translucid like a Tavel wine. The nose is funky with dome discreet barnyard notes, a typical herbaceous note that I associate with Sauvignon Blanc, some minerally notes like crushed rocks, pomegranate and strawberry too. Very interesting!
The palate shows a good acid drive, pomegranate and strawberry notes all along, some width, a soft and gentle mouthfeel that changes in the rear with some lively tannins that create another layer over a rather long and fruity finish with pomegranate and strawberry. It's fresh and fun, it's super easy going. Textbook glouglou wine. Enjoyed slightly chilled. 12,5% abv.
This is a blend of syrah, cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc.
The wine is red but completely translucid like a Tavel wine. The nose is funky with dome discreet barnyard notes, a typical herbaceous note that I associate with Sauvignon Blanc, some minerally notes like crushed rocks, pomegranate and strawberry too. Very interesting!
The palate shows a good acid drive, pomegranate and strawberry notes all along, some width, a soft and gentle mouthfeel that changes in the rear with some lively tannins that create another layer over a rather long and fruity finish with pomegranate and strawberry. It's fresh and fun, it's super easy going. Textbook glouglou wine. Enjoyed slightly chilled. 12,5% abv.
Jun 23rd, 2024
Funky wild strawberry juice! Pairs well with spicy Chinese food. Initially had it about a year ago, paired expertly at a Vietnamese restaurant so figured this would go well too.
Funky wild strawberry juice! Pairs well with spicy Chinese food. Initially had it about a year ago, paired expertly at a Vietnamese restaurant so figured this would go well too.
Dec 26th, 2019
Натуральный фанк, клюквенно-брусничный морс, подбродивший компот из красной смородины, лимонный сок, цветы, едва уловимый можжевеловый аккорд, тонкая горчинка в послевкусии. Мутный цвет, средне-легкое тело с жевкой нефильтрованной текстурой, бодрящая кислотность, едва заметные танины. Чуть грязновато снаружи, но чисто внутри. Сочно, естественно и питко. Глубина в простоте.
Натуральный фанк, клюквенно-брусничный морс, подбродивший компот из красной смородины, лимонный сок, цветы, едва уловимый можжевеловый аккорд, тонкая горчинка в послевкусии. Мутный цвет, средне-легкое тело с жевкой нефильтрованной текстурой, бодрящая кислотность, едва заметные танины. Чуть грязновато снаружи, но чисто внутри. Сочно, естественно и питко. Глубина в простоте.
Feb 3rd, 2019
Amazing color, somewhere between deep pink and pale ruby. Subtle effervescence, jammy, light. Very playful. Watermelon jolly rancher. Jumpin’ Juice is a perfect name for this gusher.
Amazing color, somewhere between deep pink and pale ruby. Subtle effervescence, jammy, light. Very playful. Watermelon jolly rancher. Jumpin’ Juice is a perfect name for this gusher.
Nov 27th, 2018