Prima Classe Montepulciano d'Abruzzo

Feb 7th, 2019
"The Oaky Woods of Abruzzo" would be a more apt description. Can't tell it's Montepulciano. The most aggressively oaked wine I've had in a long time, I thought I was drinking a factory Shiraz on extra oak. Came back to it a few hours later and, while drinkable, it wasn't much better. So I used it in a pan sauce on a rib-eye. I think it was a more appropriate use of this wine than drinking it.
"The Oaky Woods of Abruzzo" would be a more apt description. Can't tell it's Montepulciano. The most aggressively oaked wine I've had in a long time, I thought I was drinking a factory Shiraz on extra oak. Came back to it a few hours later and, while drinkable, it wasn't much better. So I used it in a pan sauce on a rib-eye. I think it was a more appropriate use of this wine than drinking it.
May 20th, 2017