Isla Negra

West Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Blend

8.547 ratings
8.72 pro ratings
Rapel Valley, Central Valley, Chile
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
Top Notes For
Marcelo Santos

Simple but pleasant - fruity, balanced, smooth with oak notes. A great everyday wine - Simples mas bem agradável. Frutado, equilibrado, macio e com um sutil toque amadeirado. Vinho fácil de beber.

Simple but pleasant - fruity, balanced, smooth with oak notes. A great everyday wine - Simples mas bem agradável. Frutado, equilibrado, macio e com um sutil toque amadeirado. Vinho fácil de beber.

Aug 13th, 2015
Marcelo Santos

Simple, cheap, but very pleasant. It needed half an hour to improve.

Simple, cheap, but very pleasant. It needed half an hour to improve.

Nov 18th, 2014
Roi Bahalker

Nice aroma and pretty good taste for a cheap wine. Really recommend for casual wine night.

Nice aroma and pretty good taste for a cheap wine. Really recommend for casual wine night.

Jul 18th, 2021
Mateus Sacoman

Good enough to drink :D

Good enough to drink :D

Jul 15th, 2017
Marina She

Насыщенный, сбалансированный, очень приятный, чуть сладковатый вкус. Не очень сухое, подойдёт для гостей.

Насыщенный, сбалансированный, очень приятный, чуть сладковатый вкус. Не очень сухое, подойдёт для гостей.

Apr 16th, 2016
Jesus Figueroa

Excelente balance between Cabernet soviugnon and Merlot Very smooth taste with oak notes.

Excelente balance between Cabernet soviugnon and Merlot Very smooth taste with oak notes.

Mar 15th, 2015
Rodrigo Moreira



May 19th, 2013
Sarah Abele-Jacksties

Sarah had this 4 years ago

Sarah had this 4 years ago

Aug 20th, 2021
Luciano Duarte

Luciano had this 5 years ago

Luciano had this 5 years ago

Apr 12th, 2020
Mona Wong

Mona had this 6 years ago

Mona had this 6 years ago

Jan 5th, 2019