Легенда! Ворончак! Узунов! В хорошей форме. Отличный сортовой аромат черная смородина, ваниль, ириски. Элегантное. Гармоничное. Чуть солоновато. Очень хорошо.
Легенда! Ворончак! Узунов! В хорошей форме. Отличный сортовой аромат черная смородина, ваниль, ириски. Элегантное. Гармоничное. Чуть солоновато. Очень хорошо.
Jan 7th, 2021
According to Decanter 95 points and best representation of Saperavi blend. Good balanced wine, tannins are pleasant. Acidity is medium. Feels the use of new oak. Very peppery and spicy, even juicy both in the nose, and on the palate. Has potential to age beautifully.
According to Decanter 95 points and best representation of Saperavi blend. Good balanced wine, tannins are pleasant. Acidity is medium. Feels the use of new oak. Very peppery and spicy, even juicy both in the nose, and on the palate. Has potential to age beautifully.
Jul 6th, 2018