Familia Deicas

Atlantico Sur Reserve Tannat

8.728 ratings
8.51 pro ratings
Paysandú, Uruguay
Top Notes For
Charles (Chad) Bucklin

Owner and founder of C. T. Bucklin Wine Advising


In fine shape and quite interesting. #familiadeicas #uruguay #tannat #ctbucklinwine

In fine shape and quite interesting. #familiadeicas #uruguay #tannat #ctbucklinwine

Feb 23rd, 2017
Ed Reynolds

With Larry... no where near the Gauzon of last night... kind of new up front, bitter... maybe too young??

With Larry... no where near the Gauzon of last night... kind of new up front, bitter... maybe too young??

Aug 11th, 2017
Andrey Zubarev

Очень прямой и сильный, но чуток есть дисбаланс.

Очень прямой и сильный, но чуток есть дисбаланс.

Feb 5th, 2017
Alexander Reshetilov

Ржавчина, кофе, шоколад.

Ржавчина, кофе, шоколад.

Feb 4th, 2017
Juan Moreno

Great in nose and mouth for an Uruguayan barbecue. Strong at it should be for a juicy meet.

Great in nose and mouth for an Uruguayan barbecue. Strong at it should be for a juicy meet.

Oct 2nd, 2016
Juan Moreno

As strong as a Tannat, and as beautiful as a cabernet. Great balance for a barbecue.

As strong as a Tannat, and as beautiful as a cabernet. Great balance for a barbecue.

Sep 27th, 2015
Scott e

Bit too tannic. Think it might be above average with a decade in the cellar but tough to tell

Bit too tannic. Think it might be above average with a decade in the cellar but tough to tell

Jan 19th, 2015
Lee Parry

Lee had this 4 years ago

Lee had this 4 years ago

Jun 13th, 2021
Miguel Stein

Miguel had this 5 years ago

Miguel had this 5 years ago

May 24th, 2020
George Khuroshvili

George had this 5 years ago

George had this 5 years ago

Jan 27th, 2020