Decent value. Inoffensive to the point of being a bit boring, but an ok, middle of the road merlot.
Decent value. Inoffensive to the point of being a bit boring, but an ok, middle of the road merlot.
Feb 26th, 2016
The Estancia Zin is a little nicer than this Merlot. Smoother and with a better finish. The Estancia's are tastier than most of their big name competition at this price point.
The Estancia Zin is a little nicer than this Merlot. Smoother and with a better finish. The Estancia's are tastier than most of their big name competition at this price point.
Jan 23rd, 2015
Smells spicy, tastes spicy, dry, butter, blackberry?, tart
Smells spicy, tastes spicy, dry, butter, blackberry?, tart
Dec 21st, 2014