Medvid Plavac Mali

Beast of a wine that requires some aging to enjoy. Chewy, grippy tannins with a mouthful of prunes and plums.
Beast of a wine that requires some aging to enjoy. Chewy, grippy tannins with a mouthful of prunes and plums.
Aug 6th, 2017
Celebration with best friends. We have tried “Medvjedica” long time ago, now it’s time to try “Medvid”. The primary difference with this wine and it’s feminine counterpart Medvjedica is that Medvid goes into newer oak barrels, both American and French. The oak doesn’t overpower the fruit, and the wine leads with really pretty floral aromas, like violet and mint. The fruit comes in as mature blackberries and plums, with the floral notes perking up alongside them. The wine is very thick, 15% of alcohol. Long, warm, sweet fruity aftertaste.
Considering it’s price, it’s a boutique wine meant for special occasions only.
Celebration with best friends. We have tried “Medvjedica” long time ago, now it’s time to try “Medvid”. The primary difference with this wine and it’s feminine counterpart Medvjedica is that Medvid goes into newer oak barrels, both American and French. The oak doesn’t overpower the fruit, and the wine leads with really pretty floral aromas, like violet and mint. The fruit comes in as mature blackberries and plums, with the floral notes perking up alongside them. The wine is very thick, 15% of alcohol. Long, warm, sweet fruity aftertaste.
Considering it’s price, it’s a boutique wine meant for special occasions only.