Dr. Loosen
Ürziger Würzgarten Spätlese Mosel Riesling

- Smell: peachy, some banana, earth notes. Characteristic of German rieseling: chemical product, petroleum. Pineapple, a little fruit
- Acidity very high- very refreshing as sweetness wanes to nothing in the aftertaste
- Pairing: spicy Indian food, spicy Thai food. Acidity spice mix. Only 8% alcohol
- Sweet start light finish, doesn’t leave your lips sticky
- Earthy for a white wine
- On the Mosel, clay based river in the wine country
- Smell: peachy, some banana, earth notes. Characteristic of German rieseling: chemical product, petroleum. Pineapple, a little fruit
- Acidity very high- very refreshing as sweetness wanes to nothing in the aftertaste
- Pairing: spicy Indian food, spicy Thai food. Acidity spice mix. Only 8% alcohol
- Sweet start light finish, doesn’t leave your lips sticky
- Earthy for a white wine
- On the Mosel, clay based river in the wine country