Really fresh for a carignan. Really nice with enough structure for food without being too heavy.
Ariane Veilleux Carpentier
L'impression de croquer dans une canneberge juteuse... fruité, délicat, délicieux avec des plats de viande!
Christian L'Heureux
Spritzy at the beginning. Tannin a bit at the end. Filigrane de petits fruits Framboise.
Alex Mcmahon
Peppery. Nice.
Philippe Dupuis
High level of drinkability on this exuberant and chewy nature carignan. Beaujolesque.
Gabriel Girard Bernier
Gabriel had this 9 years ago
Cynthia Laberge
Cynthia had this 8 years ago
Christian Roberge
Christian had this 8 years ago