Rabbit pairing. Fruit on ‘14 is so punchy. Already shows the bloody sensation of degradation, secondary character. Will never have the richness many look for, but, bright, fresh, savory, so good.
Rabbit pairing. Fruit on ‘14 is so punchy. Already shows the bloody sensation of degradation, secondary character. Will never have the richness many look for, but, bright, fresh, savory, so good.
Mar 14th, 2021
Searing acidity as is the character of the vintage. Fruit is not as prominent now. Drinks very well, better than most Bourgogne. However, maybe not the most elegant and balanced Bon Batons.
Searing acidity as is the character of the vintage. Fruit is not as prominent now. Drinks very well, better than most Bourgogne. However, maybe not the most elegant and balanced Bon Batons.
Aug 22nd, 2020