Addie Altholz
Yum berries + oaked for a year. Delicious. Good with cheese.
Roman Remeyev
Totally the New World style Malbec. Big and full, with perfect tannins, rich structure and long lasting finish.
Patricia Yoshikawa
Na fazenda com o Rapha, jé, fani, Sammy, Dani, Fe e amigos
Mette Rønde
Malbec - En sikker vinder til de lette anretninger. En mild frugtet vin der både kan nydes med eller uden mad.
Chris Poliderakis
Full bodied but not overwhelming. Well-balanced
David McBean
Soft. Worth the 26 bucks
Chris Holinger
Chris had this 11 years ago
Lindsey McLean
Lindsey had this 11 years ago
Damian Pritchard
Damian had this 11 years ago
Michael Kolojaco
Michael had this 11 years ago