Reduction at first which blows off mostly; a little horse stable never hurt anyone. Great texture and acid. Night one this is pleasant but the profile is very much “natural wine”, so didn’t expect it to hold up. Day two was a total surprise as this showed its structure, and some elegant pond lily, jasmine and cherry blossom notes. Along with good mineral structure, tartness, and a persistent savory finish, presumably from lees aging. Upgrade from 9.0 to 9.2.
Reduction at first which blows off mostly; a little horse stable never hurt anyone. Great texture and acid. Night one this is pleasant but the profile is very much “natural wine”, so didn’t expect it to hold up. Day two was a total surprise as this showed its structure, and some elegant pond lily, jasmine and cherry blossom notes. Along with good mineral structure, tartness, and a persistent savory finish, presumably from lees aging. Upgrade from 9.0 to 9.2.
Nov 2nd, 2021