Cuvée du Vatican

Réserve de l'Abbé Côtes du Rhône Red Rhône Blend

8.84 ratings
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Côtes du Rhône, Southern Rhône, Rhône, France
Red Rhone Blend
Tomato-Based, Pasta, Salami & Prosciutto, Mushrooms, Onion, Pungent Cheese, Venison, Hard Cheese, Lamb, Pork, Beef
Top Notes For
Vasanth Balakrishnan

Fruit-driven character on this #cotesdurhone, cassis and bramble berry up front, finishes with some toffee and vanilla notes, plenty of acididty and a long finish with lingering tannins. It's a bit thin at the end and missing some herbs and spice to make things more interesting. #wsjwineclub **Update: just this week I’ve been enjoying this wine a glass a day and it just keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, virtually no oxidation and it’s opened up more with a longer finish. Rhône blends like this continue to surprise and impress me.

Fruit-driven character on this #cotesdurhone, cassis and bramble berry up front, finishes with some toffee and vanilla notes, plenty of acididty and a long finish with lingering tannins. It's a bit thin at the end and missing some herbs and spice to make things more interesting. #wsjwineclub **Update: just this week I’ve been enjoying this wine a glass a day and it just keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, virtually no oxidation and it’s opened up more with a longer finish. Rhône blends like this continue to surprise and impress me.

Aug 17th, 2019
Michael Lazzaro

Michael had this 6 years ago

Michael had this 6 years ago

Sep 1st, 2019
Alan Braun

Alan had this 6 years ago

Alan had this 6 years ago

Aug 4th, 2019
Dana King

Dana had this 6 years ago

Dana had this 6 years ago

Feb 9th, 2019