Jonathan Reimer
Very soft. Fruit forward but not overwhelmingly so. Mild acidity. Good for SB drinkers that don't want a lot of bite. Ripe green apple nose.
Megan Nelson
Super easy to drink!
Douglas Eddins
Lemon custard on the nose. Soft acid and relatively short lived finish.
Christian Pundock
Weak citrus nose. Apple flavor with hints of lemon. Apple & lemon finish. Tag: Apple with a touch of lemon.
John Carmichael
John had this 8 years ago
Phyllis Hubbuch
Phyllis had this 8 years ago
Chrissy Applegate
Chrissy had this 8 years ago
Jerry Fuhrmeister
Jerry had this 9 years ago
Jim Bagley
Jim had this 9 years ago