Pulled another bottle, 3 years later. Much better now. Lime custard, mineral. Apples. Tart enough that I guessed Chablis, blind. SO2 still pushy.
Pulled another bottle, 3 years later. Much better now. Lime custard, mineral. Apples. Tart enough that I guessed Chablis, blind. SO2 still pushy.
Nov 30th, 2016
Disappointing on the first day. However, the second day was more promising, although still a bit tighter and acidic than I would like in a French Burgundy.
Disappointing on the first day. However, the second day was more promising, although still a bit tighter and acidic than I would like in a French Burgundy.
Feb 20th, 2017
A bit of acid, easy to drink, light, young, not a lot of tannin. Very good. Good with red meat.
A bit of acid, easy to drink, light, young, not a lot of tannin. Very good. Good with red meat.
Feb 19th, 2014