Typical old world Bordeaux blend, earthy, a bit oaky, buttery, vegetative! -- I'm yet to find a red that I like...
Typical old world Bordeaux blend, earthy, a bit oaky, buttery, vegetative! -- I'm yet to find a red that I like...
Oct 17th, 2017Nice aroma with orange like odor, dry and a bit sour
Nice aroma with orange like odor, dry and a bit sour
2 people found it helpfulFeb 6th, 2017Great red with a dry taste.
Great red with a dry taste.
1 person found it helpfulMar 21st, 2015I mean, it's way more than ok for a $5 happy hour wine. But it's also kind of a typical Bordeaux blend.
I mean, it's way more than ok for a $5 happy hour wine. But it's also kind of a typical Bordeaux blend.
1 person found it helpfulFeb 20th, 2015It needs time to open up, but not a bad red but not my fav. I prefer more smoke.
It needs time to open up, but not a bad red but not my fav. I prefer more smoke.
Dec 23rd, 2024had this after the best bottle of wine ever so it could be higher but this is just the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately
had this after the best bottle of wine ever so it could be higher but this is just the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately
Jul 7th, 2021Good solid basic wine to have with steak, potatoes, and broccoli
Good solid basic wine to have with steak, potatoes, and broccoli
Jan 13th, 2021Needs a good breathe. Best to drink whilst smoking, or alternatively as the third bottle on a three-bottle-day
Needs a good breathe. Best to drink whilst smoking, or alternatively as the third bottle on a three-bottle-day
Jan 11th, 2021A very nice day-to-day Bordeaux (tuesday night wine). Fruity style. I miss some minerality. But it is tasty.
A very nice day-to-day Bordeaux (tuesday night wine). Fruity style. I miss some minerality. But it is tasty.
Aug 4th, 2020Easy drinking with bitter chocolate tones. Would recommend.
Easy drinking with bitter chocolate tones. Would recommend.
Feb 10th, 2020