From magnum. Nicely moderated Saint Emilion. Floral on the nose, violets. This has sweetish fruit and a sappy, savory finish, but manages to stay soft and harmonious, never crossing the line to heavy or cumbersome. Drinking fairly well, even from magnum. I like the restraint here. I could drink this quite often, not something I can say for many BDX. Very pretty.
From magnum. Nicely moderated Saint Emilion. Floral on the nose, violets. This has sweetish fruit and a sappy, savory finish, but manages to stay soft and harmonious, never crossing the line to heavy or cumbersome. Drinking fairly well, even from magnum. I like the restraint here. I could drink this quite often, not something I can say for many BDX. Very pretty.
Jun 5th, 2021