Chateau Riachy

Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah

8.01 ratings
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Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah
Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Pasta, Venison, Tomato-Based, Potato, Pork, Chocolate & Caramel, White Rice, Mushrooms, Beef, Lamb, Chili & Hot Spicy
Top Notes For
Roland Haddad

Dry but light with hint of orange blossom flowers

Vintage : 2003
Chateau Riachy Lebanon
Cabarnet Sauvignon Syrah

Dry but light with hint of orange blossom flowers

Vintage : 2003
Chateau Riachy Lebanon
Cabarnet Sauvignon Syrah

Dec 28th, 2014