Will Witner
(Vinebox 12 Nights of Wine 4/12)Pleasantly sweet, light but bold
David P
First time with French Malbec. Good to know.
swefroggy .
Riktigt jävla gott.. kraftigt och mysigt mycket tung smak. Läder och choklad.
Jon Nordquist
Blindtest. Till älgtoast. Något eldig och spretig. Mycket gott.
Joshua Sheldon
Joshua had this 4 years ago
Donna Gregory
Donna had this 6 years ago
Steve Tadman
Steve had this 6 years ago
Ali Mostoufi
Ali had this 8 years ago
William Skeaping
William had this 8 years ago
聖人 中島
聖人 had this 9 years ago