2012, The Shed, London. Decent but felt it was a bit too heavy for the grape mix
Philip May
Purchased from Auchon. Not bad.
M80, CF10, CS10. Alc.13%シャトールパンの使用樽で24ヶ月熟成とのことラズベリー、ブルーベリーの濃厚な果実味にカシスの凝縮感スパイスにほのかなビターチョコレートも
Eoin Danaher
Eoin had this 8 years ago
Vicky McCarthy
Vicky had this 8 years ago
Gaz Masters
Gaz had this 8 years ago
Tom Elwell
Tom had this 8 years ago
Ola Grue
Ola had this 9 years ago