Something had to be off here, unbelievable disappointment. I called this blind as cru bourgeois. Must be in an omega dumb phase, extreme reduced nose of minerals, plums and faint spice, and that's it. Mineral, elegant palate but finished quite short and seriously lacking flavor concentration and definition, and impact. I've had many a shut down wine, but this showed nothing at all, and was blown out by far less regarded wines at the table...2005 vintage
Something had to be off here, unbelievable disappointment. I called this blind as cru bourgeois. Must be in an omega dumb phase, extreme reduced nose of minerals, plums and faint spice, and that's it. Mineral, elegant palate but finished quite short and seriously lacking flavor concentration and definition, and impact. I've had many a shut down wine, but this showed nothing at all, and was blown out by far less regarded wines at the table...2005 vintage
Apr 9th, 2015
Tannins were integrated but still enough of a bite to keep it tasting young. Right balance of fruit and acidity. All kinds of roses and violets on the nose. Just mesmerizing!
Tannins were integrated but still enough of a bite to keep it tasting young. Right balance of fruit and acidity. All kinds of roses and violets on the nose. Just mesmerizing!
Aug 3rd, 2018