Full-bodied and flamboyant; a big, modern-styled Saint Emilion. Wet earth, charred oak, blueberrypie, plums, grilled bellpepper, vanillapods and graphite. Lovely acidity, medium finish.
To drink now and in the next 5 years.
Full-bodied and flamboyant; a big, modern-styled Saint Emilion. Wet earth, charred oak, blueberrypie, plums, grilled bellpepper, vanillapods and graphite. Lovely acidity, medium finish.
To drink now and in the next 5 years.
Apr 14th, 2023
Mild nose of black fruits but bracing tannins that interfere with the flavor. Some earth and tar on the nose. Unbalanced and overall not a pleasant experience.
Mild nose of black fruits but bracing tannins that interfere with the flavor. Some earth and tar on the nose. Unbalanced and overall not a pleasant experience.
Oct 24th, 2020
Wow, super sexy Napa style wine from Bordeaux. Very young, fresh, fruity and silky. You don’t notice 15% alcohol🙊
Wow, super sexy Napa style wine from Bordeaux. Very young, fresh, fruity and silky. You don’t notice 15% alcohol🙊
Dec 14th, 2018
Not the best vintage for this rising star... While slightly drying at the end, this has good purity of black fruit and a nice balance.
Not the best vintage for this rising star... While slightly drying at the end, this has good purity of black fruit and a nice balance.
Apr 3rd, 2015