This is my first wine older than 1989 so I may be uneducated... Opened 3 hours before consumption, tasted, forcibly decanted. Good level in the bottle. Deep garnet colour, some haziness. Lots of dominating secondary flavours. Cigars and leather. Fruit holding up well. Dried cherry and cranberry flavours. A work colleague had been saving this for his 40th birthday so sentimental value here.
This is my first wine older than 1989 so I may be uneducated... Opened 3 hours before consumption, tasted, forcibly decanted. Good level in the bottle. Deep garnet colour, some haziness. Lots of dominating secondary flavours. Cigars and leather. Fruit holding up well. Dried cherry and cranberry flavours. A work colleague had been saving this for his 40th birthday so sentimental value here.
Mar 24th, 2016