I have not had an aged amarine anywhere near as nice as this before. This could have kept on aging. Moderately large fruit but not overpowering at all with loads of sage and herbal notes balanced with sage and the nonfruit notes similar to a Chianti but this has more breadth with the fruit which has that aged slightly candied notes. Blueberry and raspberry notes on the fruit and some currant as well. Some spice as well. Very highly recommended.
I have not had an aged amarine anywhere near as nice as this before. This could have kept on aging. Moderately large fruit but not overpowering at all with loads of sage and herbal notes balanced with sage and the nonfruit notes similar to a Chianti but this has more breadth with the fruit which has that aged slightly candied notes. Blueberry and raspberry notes on the fruit and some currant as well. Some spice as well. Very highly recommended.
Aug 30th, 2018