Emily Kresie-Harrington
2015 vintage. Juicy fruit gum, pineapple, lime, white grapefruit, chalk, mild grassiness. Good quality for the price.
Katie Journeay
Excellent with chicken piccata
Jessica Roper
Unimaginative grassiness and citrus. Typical Sauvignon Blanc. Drinkable yet nothing to write home about.
Marie Isbell
Dry, hint of grapefruit and refreshing. A light summery wine. $11 at Buster's in Memphis TN.
Terri Church
Winery north of Sonoma. Met family member at Val's wine tasting. 13.99?
Michael Kvasnicka
Michael had this 10 years ago
John Berghoff
John had this 10 years ago
Jim Traxler
Jim had this 9 years ago
Liza Hill
Liza had this 9 years ago
Brian W. Hassman
Brian had this 10 years ago