My immediate thoughts after pouring a glass of 42 were: "do you think anyone will notice if I just Guzzle this whole thing and then pour another?" Maybe it was just one of those days. In any case, the sweet tobacco leaf, blackberry crumble, tanned kidskin, and hint of eucalyptus are making this Brecon one heck of a "Daily Drinker".
My immediate thoughts after pouring a glass of 42 were: "do you think anyone will notice if I just Guzzle this whole thing and then pour another?" Maybe it was just one of those days. In any case, the sweet tobacco leaf, blackberry crumble, tanned kidskin, and hint of eucalyptus are making this Brecon one heck of a "Daily Drinker".
1 person found it helpfulDec 7th, 2015
Purple color blueberry with a hint of cola adding a sweetness aroma. This is definitely a food wine. Drying if without, but it is young. Dark berry and slight spice on taste. This baby can rest awhile, but you can tell it's an amazing wine. At only 150 cases this went fast.
Purple color blueberry with a hint of cola adding a sweetness aroma. This is definitely a food wine. Drying if without, but it is young. Dark berry and slight spice on taste. This baby can rest awhile, but you can tell it's an amazing wine. At only 150 cases this went fast.
Jan 9th, 2015