Bodegas Numanthia
Termes Toro Tinto de Toro

We recently pulled some cases out of storage, which haven't seen the light of day for nearly 15 years, so I'll have some fun posts in the next several months.
Nose has dried blackberry, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, ripe black cherry, dry oak plank, violets, old roses, medium-roast coffee beans and old milk chocolate bar.
Palate has ripe black cherry, ripe red currant, dried apricot, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, moist soil, juiced peach, still chewy tannins with coffee and semi-sweet chocolate on the medium-long finish.
Decanted 2+ hours, pop & short decant for sediment on future bottles.
This bottle is in a great spot this evening, still many enjoyable years ahead. Future bottles may be 2023+ in proper storage, and yeah we have more. 😁
We recently pulled some cases out of storage, which haven't seen the light of day for nearly 15 years, so I'll have some fun posts in the next several months.
Nose has dried blackberry, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, ripe black cherry, dry oak plank, violets, old roses, medium-roast coffee beans and old milk chocolate bar.
Palate has ripe black cherry, ripe red currant, dried apricot, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, moist soil, juiced peach, still chewy tannins with coffee and semi-sweet chocolate on the medium-long finish.
Decanted 2+ hours, pop & short decant for sediment on future bottles.
This bottle is in a great spot this evening, still many enjoyable years ahead. Future bottles may be 2023+ in proper storage, and yeah we have more. 😁

Prior notes mostly apply; over-ripe raspberry today, decanted +4H, still holding a fantastic spot!
Nose has dried blackberry, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, ripe black cherry, dry oak plank, violets, old roses, medium-roast coffee beans and old milk chocolate bar.
Palate has ripe black cherry, ripe red currant, dried apricot, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, moist soil, still chewy tannins with coffee and semi-sweet chocolate on the medium-long finish.
Prior notes mostly apply; over-ripe raspberry today, decanted +4H, still holding a fantastic spot!
Nose has dried blackberry, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, ripe black cherry, dry oak plank, violets, old roses, medium-roast coffee beans and old milk chocolate bar.
Palate has ripe black cherry, ripe red currant, dried apricot, dried raspberry, ripe blackberry, moist soil, still chewy tannins with coffee and semi-sweet chocolate on the medium-long finish.