Birrificio Le Baladin


9.127 ratings
9.55 pro ratings
Top Notes For
Christopher Parks

Sommelier Per Diem Restaurant


Nora by Baladin brewing company, Italy. Based on an Ancient Egyptian recipe including myhrr!

Nora by Baladin brewing company, Italy. Based on an Ancient Egyptian recipe including myhrr!

May 7th, 2014
Antoine Cauchard

Nora mmmmh très bon avec des notes de myhr. Une egyptian ale de l' excellente brasserie italienne Baladin. Des notes épicées donc, une belle couleur or, un peu acidulé avec une impression d' arômes d' orange. Elle titre à 6.8. J' adore

Nora mmmmh très bon avec des notes de myhr. Une egyptian ale de l' excellente brasserie italienne Baladin. Des notes épicées donc, une belle couleur or, un peu acidulé avec une impression d' arômes d' orange. Elle titre à 6.8. J' adore

May 27th, 2017
George Boutilier

If you can find it—try it. A fantastic artisan brew.

If you can find it—try it. A fantastic artisan brew.

Jan 14th, 2017
Flavio Menezes

Orange notes, slight bitterness and decent acidity. Slighty short, but a really nice aftertaste.

Orange notes, slight bitterness and decent acidity. Slighty short, but a really nice aftertaste.

Sep 5th, 2015
Andrew Bond

Meh, Italian beer. Decent compared to most from Italia

Meh, Italian beer. Decent compared to most from Italia

Feb 15th, 2015
Andrew Oftedal

Very good imported Italian beer with the Jutras'

Very good imported Italian beer with the Jutras'

Nov 16th, 2013
Camilo Viafara

Camilo had this 8 years ago

Camilo had this 8 years ago

May 17th, 2017
Brian Pucillo

Brian had this 10 years ago

Brian had this 10 years ago

Jul 31st, 2015
Jason Heller

Master Sommelier


Jason had this 10 years ago

Jason had this 10 years ago

Feb 21st, 2015
Josh MacGregor

Josh had this 10 years ago

Josh had this 10 years ago

Dec 6th, 2014