Really excellent Weiß wine. Pale and ever so hazy in the glass. Tastes like some skin contact- with lots of floral and citrus peel perfume on the nose, light tannin paired with a just right medium body and perfect acid. Lively, bright and really just beautifully balanced and textured. More evidence for the case that non-traditional multi-variety blends can be insanely delicious.
Really excellent Weiß wine. Pale and ever so hazy in the glass. Tastes like some skin contact- with lots of floral and citrus peel perfume on the nose, light tannin paired with a just right medium body and perfect acid. Lively, bright and really just beautifully balanced and textured. More evidence for the case that non-traditional multi-variety blends can be insanely delicious.
Dec 7th, 2019
Light honey, not very ripe peach, crisp green apple. Refreshing, low alcohol, high acidity.
Light honey, not very ripe peach, crisp green apple. Refreshing, low alcohol, high acidity.
Mar 22nd, 2020