Also magnum- the better of the two, more balanced - not quite showing the heat as much- smoother softer finish. Nice layers to this one..riper cab, but not too ripe. 9.1+?
Also magnum- the better of the two, more balanced - not quite showing the heat as much- smoother softer finish. Nice layers to this one..riper cab, but not too ripe. 9.1+?
Dec 17th, 2014
Fingers crossed after seeing the synthetic purple cork and remembering the wine board wars regarding B&H a few years back. Fortunately this bottle was excellent. Nice Cab profile with Cigar box nose. Drank well and held up over three days.
Fingers crossed after seeing the synthetic purple cork and remembering the wine board wars regarding B&H a few years back. Fortunately this bottle was excellent. Nice Cab profile with Cigar box nose. Drank well and held up over three days.
Nov 28th, 2013