A patio pounder- not too thrilling but very light mouthfeel, a little spicy with a dash of effervescence. A suitable red for a hot day. Flat at first, but the more we drank it, the more interesting is was. Currant, blackberry, pepper and ultimately rich coffee smells - 100% Malbec.
A patio pounder- not too thrilling but very light mouthfeel, a little spicy with a dash of effervescence. A suitable red for a hot day. Flat at first, but the more we drank it, the more interesting is was. Currant, blackberry, pepper and ultimately rich coffee smells - 100% Malbec.
Jul 23rd, 2016
$16 Whole Foods - don't love the flavor but it's enjoyable, could be a good crowd pleaser
$16 Whole Foods - don't love the flavor but it's enjoyable, could be a good crowd pleaser
Feb 15th, 2016