Andrew Will

Champoux Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon

8.82 ratings
-no pro ratings
Horse Heaven Hills, Columbia Valley, Oregon/Washington, USA
Cabernet Sauvignon
Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Pasta, Venison, Tomato-Based, Potato, Pork, Chocolate & Caramel, White Rice, Mushrooms, Beef, Lamb, Chili & Hot Spicy
Top Notes For
Andrew Formi

Let it breathe for at least 4 hours
I love it... on a rainy Sunday and a rib eye

Let it breathe for at least 4 hours
I love it... on a rainy Sunday and a rib eye

Oct 27th, 2019
Tyler grennan

Tyler had this 10 years ago

Tyler had this 10 years ago

Jan 20th, 2015