Dark as night in the glass. Everything here was ripe, fruit forward and lush! Candied. Tannic. Floral. Pepper covered blackberries, salty dried black fruit and oozes fruit juice on the palate which is where this showed the very present Syrah for me. A fun blend.
Dark as night in the glass. Everything here was ripe, fruit forward and lush! Candied. Tannic. Floral. Pepper covered blackberries, salty dried black fruit and oozes fruit juice on the palate which is where this showed the very present Syrah for me. A fun blend.
Jun 8th, 2019
Full body, dry, lots of blackberries and plum. Soft, mild tannins. Easy and pleasant to drink.
Full body, dry, lots of blackberries and plum. Soft, mild tannins. Easy and pleasant to drink.
Nov 2nd, 2019