viel Holz, reif, überreife Frucht, viel Würze
viel Holz, reif, überreife Frucht, viel Würze
Nov 26th, 2023
풍부한 향과 맛 다시 마실 것
Dec 28th, 2021
Little taste but good
Dec 4th, 2021
Nov 8th, 2021
👍 After dinner out with friends, this was waiting for us at home. It was good for what it is… bourbon barrel aged Zin. Received through First Leaf.
👍 After dinner out with friends, this was waiting for us at home. It was good for what it is… bourbon barrel aged Zin. Received through First Leaf.
Oct 11th, 2021
Wood barrel flavor, very sweet, slight pencil shavings and intense in alcohol~! Good strong wine
Wood barrel flavor, very sweet, slight pencil shavings and intense in alcohol~! Good strong wine
Jun 27th, 2021
A really good, fruity red! Delicious and smooth.
A really good, fruity red! Delicious and smooth.
May 6th, 2021
I pity those whom only bought one bottle!
I pity those whom only bought one bottle!
May 2nd, 2021
Third review - popped this baby open and relaxed while watching the 4 hour new justice league release. Kinda dry and goes down smooth. Not really sweet and very drinkable.
Third review - popped this baby open and relaxed while watching the 4 hour new justice league release. Kinda dry and goes down smooth. Not really sweet and very drinkable.
Mar 20th, 2021
I was sure we had this one.... but I guess it escapes our memory or ability to record.
Plum, cherry and just a hint AHINT if tobacco.
I was sure we had this one.... but I guess it escapes our memory or ability to record.
Plum, cherry and just a hint AHINT if tobacco.
Mar 2nd, 2021