Acts like soda, with agitated foam, but lingers as residual, and, quiet as a mouse. Lacing laced with sediment and has a super galaxy look. Rye toast aromas, with fried egg white and brown herb butter. Also has mocha coffee and pepper, plus oregano dill and bay. Soy sauce soaked tofu entry on a medium bodied palate. Fennel and morel, coffee rye, cumin, and finally the dark caramel and malt emerge in a sarsaparilla and bitter chocolate finish that smacks of Scottish sensibilities, with its earthy complexities and herbaceous mathematics. Will render your skull into a fraction of its whole!#theorkneybrewery #orkneybrewery #orkneyale #beer #bier #birra #quoyloo #orcadianale #skullsplitter #ThorfinnHauskaluif #ukbeer #vikingbeer
— 5 years ago
David Kline
Acts like soda, with agitated foam, but lingers as residual, and, quiet as a mouse. Lacing laced with sediment and has a super galaxy look. Rye toast aromas, with fried egg white and brown herb butter. Also has mocha coffee and pepper, plus oregano dill and bay. Soy sauce soaked tofu entry on a medium bodied palate. Fennel and morel, coffee rye, cumin, and finally the dark caramel and malt emerge in a sarsaparilla and bitter chocolate finish that smacks of Scottish sensibilities, with its earthy complexities and herbaceous mathematics. Will render your skull into a fraction of its whole!#theorkneybrewery #orkneybrewery #orkneyale #beer #bier #birra #quoyloo #orcadianale #skullsplitter #ThorfinnHauskaluif #ukbeer #vikingbeer
— 5 years ago