October scotch club meeting. Campbeltown whiskeys round two. #glengyle #kilkerran #Campbeltown #whisky #oldlinescotchclub — 8 years ago
Light, with a lovely floral nose. Unpeated and aged in new oak. This was the favorite of some at #oldlinescotchclub #campbeltown #whisky #hazelburn #delectableapp — 9 years ago
High in alcohol and "hot" on the nose, this single malt becomes warm and complex with a few drops of water #longrow #campbeltown #whisky #oldlinescotchclub #delectableapp — 9 years ago
Heidi McLain
Third in our lineup of Campbelltown whiskeys for the October scotch club meeting. #campbeltown #glenscotiavictoriana #whisky #oldlinescotchclub — 8 years ago