
Philippe Bornard

Le Ginglet Arbois Pupillin Trousseau 2009

25/7 - Visited #Chalon dan la Rue (street art) this week end. Upon arrival we were greeted with by a 2009 #Trousseau by #PhilippeBornard, #Arbois #Pupillin. What a joy to just hold the glass. Juicy red fruit, sexy, touch of funky-ness for the first 10+ minutes, elegant. Thank you #SylvèreTrychard, #CamilleLapierre & #Anne — 9 years ago

Christian and Emanuel liked this
Denis Roudenko

Denis Roudenko Influencer Badge

Not rated? :)


@Denis Roudenko I stop rating, Since I stop 4 years ago going to tastings that require you to mark wines. It makes me feel better I'm not to rate producers wine.


Btw that was amazing!