
Marqués de Riscal

Herederos del Marqués de Riscal Rioja Tempranillo Blend 1911

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

My second time tasting this wine. Wow was it showing well with living red fruit. The fruit was complex, rich, and wise. The complexity and length were incredibly long. This was as smooth as it gets. Even the core was still slightly red. #marquésderiscal #rioja #1911 #spain #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago

A., Philippe and 2 others liked this
A. R.

A. R.

Must have been pristine storage conditions to show that well!

André Clouet

Un Jour de 1911 Brut Champagne Pinot Noir

What is not to love. Great acid, brioche, cabbage, roses. — 11 years ago