Une Année Brewery

Le Seul XVI

9.31 ratings
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Illinois, USA
Top Notes For
Jeffrey Long

This is actually Une Annee LeSeul XV American Watermelon Wild Ale. Supremely tart and lightly funky with watermelon coming through on the nose and up front. Most refreshing on a warm afternoon, although perhaps not the best pairing for the rich nuttiness of a Bolivar Royal Coronas cigar. It's good to be home.

This is actually Une Annee LeSeul XV American Watermelon Wild Ale. Supremely tart and lightly funky with watermelon coming through on the nose and up front. Most refreshing on a warm afternoon, although perhaps not the best pairing for the rich nuttiness of a Bolivar Royal Coronas cigar. It's good to be home.

May 7th, 2017