Magnífico Ugarte — 5 years ago
Very dry and acidic. Full of flavor with rich complexity, leading with blackberries and ending with coffee, oak and caramel. Best with red meat or other heavy food to cut through the acidity. — 6 years ago
This is the way. Super bien super fresh — 2 years ago
Great Rioja, well balanced and hits a lot of the flavors I like. — 5 years ago
Dark plum, cherries, and dark chocolate w soft tannins. — 5 years ago
Eguren Ugate’s attempt at reviving a historical variety from Rioja, maturana. Fresh, intense wine hitting with black fruit l, a little spiciness. Sharp tannins indicate some aging would help. Really pleasant wine. — 7 years ago
Spice, dark berry, plum, black licorice, beautiful acidity — 5 years ago
Needs a day or very thorough decanting to show best. Sour cherry, berry stem and a touch of Indian spices on the nose. Sour, almost limoncello like initially on the tongue, followed by stone fruit and a touch of rosemary. The limoncello and rosemary give it a sense of heat, although it's only 13.5abv. This is chorizo and olives' natural tango partner. — 6 years ago
Explosively lively, and so delicious. Tends towards being a bit too sour for some foods, so I’d say it is best drunk alone or with well-paired snacks. — 5 months ago