A complex cab. Fruity, with a long finish. — 8 years ago
Nice and smooth with a little finish — 8 years ago
Very mild and smooth flavor. Almost invisible on the pallet but light and refreshing for a light meal or appetizers. — 9 years ago
Love the oak flavors and aromas in this wine — 6 years ago
Still have a love for Colorado Wine. The Abbey is one of my favs. This 2016 Viognier has a floral bouquet. It is really nice because it smells pretty. Hints of honey play with the smell as well. A very smooth flavor with a slight bit of acidity that doesn't jump at you. The finish is super smooth. Enjoying this with a roasted chicken dinner. — 7 years ago
Exceptional. Very much like a port. Huge berry flavor and richness--and alcohol!! — 8 years ago
Like a Colorado sunset, the perfect bridge between daytime and evening. Subtle sweetness. — 6 years ago
Loved it. Wasn't expecting it to be so smooth and balanced. — 8 years ago
Slightly sweet and almost bubbly. Refreshing and smooth — 3 months ago