Spiegelberg Winery

Spiegelberg Winery

Somlói Furmint 2010


Total production: 344 bottles. — 10 years ago

Eric liked this

Graf von Spiegelberg

Hallauer Pinot Noir 2012

A Dri

Weich und süffig — 11 years ago

Spiegelberg Winery

Somlói Juhfark 2011

Super interesting! Dry and savory with a deep mineral richness!! More pleasurable when tempered, don't drink to cold 🙅🏽‍♂️ — 8 years ago

Andrew and Daniel liked this

Spiegelberg Winery

Nászéjszakák Bora (Wedding Night) White Blend 2010

Robin Gerber

Thanks for turning me onto this Erin! — 11 years ago

Erin Sullivan Di CostanzoEric Danch
with Erin and Eric
Erin and Jared liked this

Spiegelberg Winery

Somloi Olasz Rizling 2011

Bloody fantastic! Must try wine. If only I could find an importer for Australia. — 10 years ago

Spiegelberg Winery

Somlói Olaszrizling 2010

Colleen Fleming

The foreign riesling. Almonds and ripe apricots. — 12 years ago

Jon liked this
Julia Weinberg

Julia Weinberg Influencer Badge

I love this wine. Even moreso because of the winemaker, who is known to dons a leather dustcoat & rides a white pony. Fact.
Colleen Fleming

Colleen Fleming Influencer Badge

Sounds like him and I have a lot in common