Also bought cheap, very strongly flavored but got better while open longer — 7 years ago
Not massive concentration but effortless balance and depth, acidity rings clear as a bell. Lots to give without being obvious, like all great teachers--appropriate for a beautiful evening celebrating Tobey. Paired with lovely toast by @Michael Simonetti — 8 years ago
Gill Simonetti and his wife Allison made this a memorable night.
The wine had tremendous complexity and an everlasting nose — 7 years ago
Smooth taste liked it much $11.99 for a 1.5 ltr — 10 years ago
Matt Perlman
Mag. A little old champagne to precede the old Nebbiolo. Mellow and vinous, pleasingly oxidative. Start of a mind blowing lineup celebrating @Michael Simonetti — 5 years ago