Santan Brewing

Santan Brewing

Moon Juice Galactic IPA

Ok preferred others — 9 months ago

Severn and Scott@Mister liked this

Santan Brewing

Devil's Pale Ale

Good beer, specially because I'm drinking with my best friend! — 10 years ago

Cristiane liked this
Cristiane Silveira

Cristiane Silveira

Muito boa, qdo. Vc bebe não deixa gosto amargo na boca. Uma pena que não temos no Brasil. Excelente p/ beber com petiscos entre amigos.

Santan Brewing

Mr. Pineapple Wheat Beer

Goes great with spring break! Final four in Phoenix. 🏀🏀 — 8 years ago

Shay, TheSkip and 2 others liked this

Santan Brewing

Sex Panther Double Chocolate Poter

Pretty tasty stuff. The name isn't a gimmick and it's worth a try. — 10 years ago