

Carrot Eau de Vie

This is amazing — 3 years ago

Paul liked this


Brut White Blend

Jordan Salcito

So smitten with this cider! Lithe, very focused and quite quaffable. Riesetbauer is a talent with cider as well as eau de vie. — 10 years ago

Vijay, Meghan and 14 others liked this


Blue Gin

Dan Fredman

Greatest gin on the planet. Really. — 11 years ago

Marissa and Jenna liked this

Hans Reisetbauer

Williams Pear Brandy

Baller when chilled. — 8 years ago


Ginger Eau-de-Vie

Crazy. Tastes like you're drinking a moist towelette. — 10 years ago

Hans Reisetbauer

Rubus Idaeus 100% Reines Fruchtdestillat Raspberry

Being previously acquainted with most of Herr Reisetbauer's handiwork, on first sticking in my snout and taking a lick I was disappointed and confused. This doesn't taste like a berry in a bottle! This smells of dry musty leaves, and sun on black earth, and, well musty in a nice way, and... earthy in a wholesome way, and, now that you mention it, it's almost like the smell of wading head-first into a sun-baked raspberry bramble- and then all at once you're in over your head, it's in your head, around your head, through your head- every last nuance of the most perfect, sunny, dusty handful of raspberries you've ripped from the thorns and smashed in your mouth. He hasn't put a berry in a bottle, he's put a halcyon dream of the perfect day spent picking raspberries in a bottle. Clearly the man is a wizard. — 10 years ago

Hans Reisetbauer


It's not rowenberry.... — 10 years ago

Cornelius liked this