Decent caymus proxy for $25 less — 6 years ago
Rich, exotic, spicy, and excellently balanced! I imagine Mayan Mocha Stout might be the closest proxy to the fermented chocolate concoctions that Mayan sacrificial victims were given!!! — 8 years ago
Great cab franc for $34! Would drink with steak. Nice substitute for proxy cab — 7 years ago
2016 Beaujolais Villages Primeur Non Filtre. Light, well balanced and nice proxy for starter white wine. — 8 years ago
Ron R

I recently visited the brewery in Brooklyn, NY. They were out of my fave IPA, but this represents a reasonable proxy.
It’s a double, but the alcohol is submerged by a moderate citrus and sweet finish. This husband and wife partnership are doing good things. — 2 years ago